Friday 5 June 2015

Fri 5.6.2015 - Italy 15 minutes, new Lithuanian Classic Rock FM

This early morning promising start even at 0245utc with Greek and Balkan for several minutes, but that died very soon and the crew went back to bed.

Later in the morning we had usual Italian stations for 15 minutes after 8 utc, from Macerata,Chieti etc. Not interesting stuff.

So, there were time to tune yesterday's SDR-files. Several new Sicilian station were found and even LIBYA with RDS on 88.8 MHz, Al-Shababiyah Radio, Tripoli.

The rest of the Friday was totally empty, so one new antenna for 50 MHz (4-element yagi) was built up during the sunny and warm afternoon. That is for UK STL-links around 50 MHz.
In the warm evening whisky based grilling and UTÖ-championship 2015  in card-game. Result later here.

JY found new Lithuanian station with tropo scatter, Classic Rock FM, Kaunas-tx, om 90.3 MHz. Tropo scatter is very heavy, many Kaliningrad station are identified and Radio Bialystok 98.6 etc.

1 comment:

Tim Bucknall said...

Great work guys
did you get my favourite station in the world (Radio Racyja)on 98.1/99.2 ?