Sunday 30 June 2019

FM-DX-peditions in summer 2019 are over. Very poor results!

Poron3-Virolahti and Utö2019 FM-DX-peditions are once again over in Finland. The DX-results of these camps were very poor, close to total disaster.

Poron3-Virolahti - 3.6-15.6.2019
The results were catastrophic, even worse than 2018. Sporadic E- propagation was observed only for about 2 hours during 12,5 days!
Several new stations were catched from Russia with tropospheric propagation.

Sporadic E
The most interesting opening in Poron3 was 20 minutes to Yugorsk-city area in Khanty–Mansi in distant Russia almost 2300 km away. MUF was over 108 MHz and stations were audible from 2-3 cities.
On the last day (extra 15.6) there were 1,5 h opening to Italy (Emilia Romagna, Perugia etc). MUF 105 MHz.

Meteor-scatter. A lot of meteor-skips were observed, like every June.The longest meteor-skip lasted over 4 minutes!

Utö2019  - 5.6.-16.6.2019
This pedition was very close to total disaster. Before the last full day (Saturday 15.6 and Sun morning 16.6)  there were only a few minutes of Sporadic E for 10 days!
Several new Swedish stations were logged, thanks to new frequency allocation in the end of 2018 in Sweden (new stations and frequencies opened).

Sporadic E
The first 10 days were almost totally silent on Sporadic E in Utö!! Only a few short peaks were obeserved, several minutes in total.
The last full day, Saturday 15.6, gave 1,5 h opening with usual Italian stations from Emilia-Romagna-Perugia areas. The highlight of the day and the pedition was strong Ankara-opening up to 108 MHz giving also stations from Istanbul and around. Lasted about 50 minutes fading up and down.
Sunday morning 16.6, just before leaving the island, there were strong opening to TUR, GRC, BUL, ROU,I etc. giving some releaf for the last moments.

Meteor-scatter. A lot of meteor-skips were observed, like every June. Dozens of stations were id'ed from Europe, mostly high-powers.

The results of the these two peditions were close to disaster -  and worse ever in the history of FM-DX held in June period.

Saturday 15 June 2019

Two traditional FM-DX-peditions in Finland 3.6 - 16.6.2019

Two groups of Finnish FM-DX-listeners gathered once again to intense DX-camps. Traditionally these camps are held in the beginning of June for 10-12 days/nights.

DX-camp Poronniemi, Virolahti, SE Finland 3.6 - 15.6.2019
Located by the sea in Virolahti,close to Russian border. Arranged for the 3rd time. Participants were HKU, VJR, TAK. The group used 6 antennas with 12 computers and SDR-receivers with 110 Tb harddisk-space! No traditional receivers were used anymore.

DX-camp Utö2019, Utö-island, SW Finland 5.6 - 16.6.2019
Utö DX -camp is arranged in far distant Utö-island since 2007. The participants were this year JJS, JTK, MB, OSY, JY and JJK for shorter time (lower photo).