Sporadic E results weak:
Fri 10.6.2011: Unluckily we had the best Es-opening on the ferry while moving to Utö on Fri 10.6! Incredible! That would have been fantastic condition to almost all arond Europe from afternoon till late evening!
Sat 11.6.2011: 50 min opening to Piemonte area, Italy.
Sat 18.6.2011: 60 minutes lasting condition mainly to Bretagne, also Sicilia, Italy and Bilbao, Spain. Not good or long lasting signals.
Sun 19.6.2011: 40 minutes opening to North England gave two nice low-power (10-20 W) RSL-stations on 87.7 MHz + also some locals around 96 MHz. Nothing above 100 MHz.
Tropo and troposcatter were slightly good to Sweden and Baltia. Again no tropo channeling (but time for that is autumn). A few new stations were heard, mainly recently started. Two new stations from Kaliningrad!