Short opening on Saturday afternoon 1.8.2009 to Turkey giving UNID-station:
89.5 UNID Turkey. Spot to Ankara. - 1650-1653.
89.2 TRT 1 Radyo Bir - 1716
** **
UNID Balkan station from 28.7 on 99.0 MHz.
Sounds to be some national network station:
ANY HELP from someone with these?? Please write to comment-box!
No luck for mega-tropo or Es in Utö. Normal conditions in the line of this summer.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Utö 5: Report 1
Here is a log from Juha Ylönen (JY) (living in Middle Finland). He is in Utö this week.
On Tuesday evening there were Es-opening. Here are Juha loggings:
Sporadic E-log Tuesday 28.7.2009 (Times UTC)
87.9 - I:Radio Linea Network, RDS LINEA-n1 - 1841
88.4 - G:BBC R2 - 1537
88.4 - BUL: Darik R, Sevlievo - 1537
88.4 - I: R 105 FM - 1850
88.8 - CZE:Cro Sever - 1603
88.8 - I:R Deejay - 1837
90.1 - HRV:HRK - Hrvatski Radio Karlovac, Martinsćak - 1851 RDS KARLOVAC
90.1 - HRV:Radio Zona Buzet, Buzet - 1815 Poppia & RDS ZONA-FM
91.7 - I:R Deejay - 1415
96.3 - I:R Capital - 1421
96.6 - ROU:R Zu, Sibiu - 1539
97.0 - I: R Norba - 1428
97.4 - I: R Lattemiele - 1453
97.4 - I: RPZ - Radio Punto Zero, Salerno ID:" United Punto R" - 1456
98.6 - I: Kiss Kiss Italia - 1436 RDS KKItalia
98.9 - I:Radio Planet FM - 1439 RDS PLANET
99.0 - I: RTL 102.5 - 1443 RDS "RTL 102.5"
99.0 - I:R Punto Nuovo - 1454
99.2 - I: RAI3, Spinazzola-Monte Caccia (RAI) (ba) - 1437 RDS "RAI / RADIO3
99.5 - I: R Deejay ,Ercolano-Vesuvio-Area Osservatorio (na) - 1523
99.5 - I: R Capital - 1457
100.6 - I: R Kiss Kiss - 1504
100.8 - I: R Kiss Kiss - 1506
101.0 - I: R 101 - 1509
101.0 - HRV: R Split - 1513 RDS R-SPLIT combo-id "Radio Uregi radio Unaiboninborma radio Split" with spelling mistakes.
101.2 - I: RAI2 - 1516
Nothing speacial is expected in tropo scene but perhaps something. Everything is possible in Utö!
Here some tropo-loggings from Juha (mostly tuned 27.7. and 28.7.2009):
89.3 SWH - 18.32
90.7, 91.1 95.9 LR1
91.5 LR2, Riga
92.3 City R, Liepaja 10.45
93.9 Baltkom R, Riga -18.46
95.2 __ R Unid/Check (Liepaja?) -10.18
97.5 R Skonto Liepaja - 10.22
98.5 LKR - 19.22
99.5 Fit FM - 1531
103.8 Star FM, Kuldiga - 20.23
104.3 European Hit R - 20.49
105.7 SWH Plus - 2054
105.8 Rietamu R, Liepaja - 9.59
106.4 Kurzemes R, Kuldiga - 2100
107.2 R Skonto, Riga - 20.50
107.6 R Liepaja - 10.12
100.2 SR Gotland, Visby - 8.42
100.9 LR1 RDS "" - 1742
102.8 LR1 RDS "LIET6 OS"
98.4 POL: RFM FM, Gdansk - 1141
101.7 R Plus, Gdansk - 1147
107.9 R Marya - 10.06
90.1 R Kuku
90.2 Dinamit FM, Tallinn - 9.29
91.2 R Elmar
96.9 Sky Plus
On Tuesday evening there were Es-opening. Here are Juha loggings:
Sporadic E-log Tuesday 28.7.2009 (Times UTC)
87.9 - I:Radio Linea Network, RDS LINEA-n1 - 1841
88.4 - G:BBC R2 - 1537
88.4 - BUL: Darik R, Sevlievo - 1537
88.4 - I: R 105 FM - 1850
88.8 - CZE:Cro Sever - 1603
88.8 - I:R Deejay - 1837

90.1 - HRV:HRK - Hrvatski Radio Karlovac, Martinsćak - 1851 RDS KARLOVAC
90.1 - HRV:Radio Zona Buzet, Buzet - 1815 Poppia & RDS ZONA-FM
91.7 - I:R Deejay - 1415
96.3 - I:R Capital - 1421
96.6 - ROU:R Zu, Sibiu - 1539
97.0 - I: R Norba - 1428
97.4 - I: R Lattemiele - 1453
97.4 - I: RPZ - Radio Punto Zero, Salerno ID:" United Punto R" - 1456
98.6 - I: Kiss Kiss Italia - 1436 RDS KKItalia
98.9 - I:Radio Planet FM - 1439 RDS PLANET
99.0 - I: RTL 102.5 - 1443 RDS "RTL 102.5"
99.0 - I:R Punto Nuovo - 1454
99.2 - I: RAI3, Spinazzola-Monte Caccia (RAI) (ba) - 1437 RDS "RAI / RADIO3
99.5 - I: R Deejay ,Ercolano-Vesuvio-Area Osservatorio (na) - 1523
99.5 - I: R Capital - 1457
100.6 - I: R Kiss Kiss - 1504
100.8 - I: R Kiss Kiss - 1506
101.0 - I: R 101 - 1509
101.0 - HRV: R Split - 1513 RDS R-SPLIT combo-id "Radio Uregi radio Unaiboninborma radio Split" with spelling mistakes.
101.2 - I: RAI2 - 1516
Nothing speacial is expected in tropo scene but perhaps something. Everything is possible in Utö!
Here some tropo-loggings from Juha (mostly tuned 27.7. and 28.7.2009):
89.3 SWH - 18.32
90.7, 91.1 95.9 LR1
91.5 LR2, Riga
92.3 City R, Liepaja 10.45
93.9 Baltkom R, Riga -18.46
95.2 __ R Unid/Check (Liepaja?) -10.18
97.5 R Skonto Liepaja - 10.22
98.5 LKR - 19.22
99.5 Fit FM - 1531
103.8 Star FM, Kuldiga - 20.23
104.3 European Hit R - 20.49
105.7 SWH Plus - 2054
105.8 Rietamu R, Liepaja - 9.59
106.4 Kurzemes R, Kuldiga - 2100
107.2 R Skonto, Riga - 20.50
107.6 R Liepaja - 10.12
100.2 SR Gotland, Visby - 8.42
100.9 LR1 RDS "" - 1742
102.8 LR1 RDS "LIET6 OS"
98.4 POL: RFM FM, Gdansk - 1141
101.7 R Plus, Gdansk - 1147
107.9 R Marya - 10.06
90.1 R Kuku
90.2 Dinamit FM, Tallinn - 9.29
91.2 R Elmar
96.9 Sky Plus
Friday, 17 July 2009
Utö-pedition nr. 5 / 27.7. - 3.8.2009!
Juha Ylönen (JY) from Middle Finland will go to Utö for FM-DXing for one week for the end of July - from Monday 27.7. till Monday 3.8.2009.
There is a good chance for better tropo - and also still time for Sporadic E !!
Juha blog is here.
There is a good chance for better tropo - and also still time for Sporadic E !!
Juha blog is here.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Making something out of nothing!
Utö DX-Camp 2009 is over - Summary:
Utö is a place to make results out of nothing!! We have had quite poor tropo-forecats for the past week but we identified a lot of stations. Tropo forecasts gave no promises for us but we heard stations from all around Baltic Sea! We really wonder what could be heard here when real tropo is going on, or even with megatropo!! Sporadic E also gives identified stations easier especially when tropo is low.
* FM-band is changing almost day by day. Sometimes the band is full of Finnish stations on almost every frequency, but next day it is nicely clean and incredibly empty!! It is very difficult to make bandscan here because the band is living all the time. Some stations come strongly up from noise, for example SWH Dundaga 89.3 (Latvia), Wisby FM Visby 89.2 (Sweden), Radio Kadi 90.1/90.5 (Estonia), some days närradios + many national frequencies.
*Tropo-scatter is nice phenomenon here. 600 km-stations (about) are coming strongly up and down from Sweden, Poland and Kaliningrad. Tropo-scatter seems to need 2 kW tx-power or more acc. to our observations. However, Arvid Husdal from Eigebrekk, Norway tells us that he has heard German 200/500 W stations with tropo-scatter. For some reason no vertical stations are observed with scattering. (Click the photo)
*We did not have good Sporadic E when FM-band was very silent of local tropo. That is still a dream to have Es over empty band here. However, here it is easier to pick up stations during low Es beause of low local levels. Many times we IDed all observered Es-signals!
Meteor-scattering has been very active all the time, but unfortunately those were too short (0-3 sec, rarely longer). Antenne Bayern, Ö3 Austria, BBC with meteor-id. Here is it possible to hear Italy with meteors very often, and sometimes even Spain!
This was very nice week of FM-DXing. We identified stations from 29 countries (7 with tropo, 3 with meteor, 19 with Es)!!
We still have challengies here:
1) There are more than 10 stations to hear from Kaliningrad. That is a big challenge. Better conds needed for that.
2) It would be a nice experience to enjoy good stable Es during very low local tropo, especially to Turkey, Greece, UK, Spain or Middle East.
3) Good tropo, or megatropo to inner Baltia,Sweden or Poland. During the days the tropo-forecasts have been always very low for us. Maps promised nothing special for us.
Utö-report Sun 5.7.2009: Ukraina up to 108 MHz 45 minutes!
Just when we were about to leave and take the camp down, sudden opening to Ukraina started at 09.00 utc!! That was not expected because Sherlock-maps showed no Es-clouds. A day before we planned to remove antennas just at the time when this opening started. However, we had some time to listen because the ferry was leaving at 11.30. At 09.30utc we even considered to take sea-taxi with no idea how much it would cost...
We tuned good Ukraina-signals for 45 minutes and then started to take camp down with a panic and rush!!!
Luckily we had no problems and we arrived to the ferry 20 min before it was taking off. We did not miss much
because the opening was about to fall.
We identified from Ukraina many Hit FM-frequencies, ERA FM 2x, Luyks FM 2x + one Greek. Nothing speacial but the tapes are not checked yet.
Utö is a place to make results out of nothing!! We have had quite poor tropo-forecats for the past week but we identified a lot of stations. Tropo forecasts gave no promises for us but we heard stations from all around Baltic Sea! We really wonder what could be heard here when real tropo is going on, or even with megatropo!! Sporadic E also gives identified stations easier especially when tropo is low.
* FM-band is changing almost day by day. Sometimes the band is full of Finnish stations on almost every frequency, but next day it is nicely clean and incredibly empty!! It is very difficult to make bandscan here because the band is living all the time. Some stations come strongly up from noise, for example SWH Dundaga 89.3 (Latvia), Wisby FM Visby 89.2 (Sweden), Radio Kadi 90.1/90.5 (Estonia), some days närradios + many national frequencies.
*Tropo-scatter is nice phenomenon here. 600 km-stations (about) are coming strongly up and down from Sweden, Poland and Kaliningrad. Tropo-scatter seems to need 2 kW tx-power or more acc. to our observations. However, Arvid Husdal from Eigebrekk, Norway tells us that he has heard German 200/500 W stations with tropo-scatter. For some reason no vertical stations are observed with scattering. (Click the photo)

Meteor-scattering has been very active all the time, but unfortunately those were too short (0-3 sec, rarely longer). Antenne Bayern, Ö3 Austria, BBC with meteor-id. Here is it possible to hear Italy with meteors very often, and sometimes even Spain!
This was very nice week of FM-DXing. We identified stations from 29 countries (7 with tropo, 3 with meteor, 19 with Es)!!
We still have challengies here:
1) There are more than 10 stations to hear from Kaliningrad. That is a big challenge. Better conds needed for that.
2) It would be a nice experience to enjoy good stable Es during very low local tropo, especially to Turkey, Greece, UK, Spain or Middle East.
3) Good tropo, or megatropo to inner Baltia,Sweden or Poland. During the days the tropo-forecasts have been always very low for us. Maps promised nothing special for us.
Utö-report Sun 5.7.2009: Ukraina up to 108 MHz 45 minutes!
Just when we were about to leave and take the camp down, sudden opening to Ukraina started at 09.00 utc!! That was not expected because Sherlock-maps showed no Es-clouds. A day before we planned to remove antennas just at the time when this opening started. However, we had some time to listen because the ferry was leaving at 11.30. At 09.30utc we even considered to take sea-taxi with no idea how much it would cost...
We tuned good Ukraina-signals for 45 minutes and then started to take camp down with a panic and rush!!!
Luckily we had no problems and we arrived to the ferry 20 min before it was taking off. We did not miss much
because the opening was about to fall.
We identified from Ukraina many Hit FM-frequencies, ERA FM 2x, Luyks FM 2x + one Greek. Nothing speacial but the tapes are not checked yet.
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Utö-report Sat 4.7.2009
Last full day gives nothing special of conditions. The band is nicely empty of near local stations, really empty!!! That would have been great to have Es to this silent band!!
However, one new troposcatter-station was found today and we had three times 1-2 min Es...
100.6 MHz - DFM, Kaliningrad pushed up many times during the afternoon with IDs but unfortunately not with local programme/inserts. - 13.00 >
87.7 MHz - Radio Venere, Lecce (LE) tentatively. One spot to Specchia. No id. - 15.15-
88.8 MHz - Burc FM, Turkey. - 18.00-
89.2 MHz - Radio Kula (Voj), Serbia. - 15.22-
However, one new troposcatter-station was found today and we had three times 1-2 min Es...
100.6 MHz - DFM, Kaliningrad pushed up many times during the afternoon with IDs but unfortunately not with local programme/inserts. - 13.00 >
87.7 MHz - Radio Venere, Lecce (LE) tentatively. One spot to Specchia. No id. - 15.15-
88.8 MHz - Burc FM, Turkey. - 18.00-
89.2 MHz - Radio Kula (Voj), Serbia. - 15.22-
Friday, 3 July 2009
Utö-report Fri 3.7.2009: Strong Latvia - Weak Italy!
Tropo to Latvia (and Lithuania) bumbed even better on Friday morning!!
*Two Never-Heard-Before-stations were identified from Latvia!! Nice surprise!
*We identified all local programming stations from Liepaja: 92.3/ 95.2/ 96.1/ 97.5/ 105.1/ 107.6!!
At t he same time weak Italian stations up and down for 10-15 minutes around 06.00utc. Corsica-tx was also noticed!
88.4 MHz - Radio Company, Benevento (BN), Italy. Tent. no ID but spots to BN. -05.57-
88.7 MHz - Jazz Radio, Lyon (69), France. Corsica-transmitter (20)! Rare! - 0605-
91.1 MHz - Max Radio, Ellera (PG), Italy. - 0605-
96.6 MHz - Radio l'Olgiata, Roma (RM). RDS. Just before this advert to Palermo. - 06.03-
96.9 MHz - Radio Luce, San Sisto (PG), Italy. - 0605-
97.3 MHz - Radio QBS, Jaunmarupe (Riga). This station needs really good conds to peak in Utö!! I noticed in Riga in March in 2009 that this station is weak in Riga-centrum. It is located 5-10 km SW of centrum in Jaunmarupe. Tx-power unknown. - 05.15-
99.0 MHz - Radio Jurmala, Jurmala, Latvia (near Riga). Pushed weakly up Thu evening but gave clean signal in the morning. - 06.20-
100.5 MHz - M-1 Plius, Bubiai-tx (Siualiai). This confirms that Radio Ventspils is not on the air on this frequency. Ventspils is so close to us. - 05.40-
*Two Never-Heard-Before-stations were identified from Latvia!! Nice surprise!
*We identified all local programming stations from Liepaja: 92.3/ 95.2/ 96.1/ 97.5/ 105.1/ 107.6!!
At t he same time weak Italian stations up and down for 10-15 minutes around 06.00utc. Corsica-tx was also noticed!
88.4 MHz - Radio Company, Benevento (BN), Italy. Tent. no ID but spots to BN. -05.57-
88.7 MHz - Jazz Radio, Lyon (69), France. Corsica-transmitter (20)! Rare! - 0605-
91.1 MHz - Max Radio, Ellera (PG), Italy. - 0605-

96.6 MHz - Radio l'Olgiata, Roma (RM). RDS. Just before this advert to Palermo. - 06.03-
96.9 MHz - Radio Luce, San Sisto (PG), Italy. - 0605-
97.3 MHz - Radio QBS, Jaunmarupe (Riga). This station needs really good conds to peak in Utö!! I noticed in Riga in March in 2009 that this station is weak in Riga-centrum. It is located 5-10 km SW of centrum in Jaunmarupe. Tx-power unknown. - 05.15-
99.0 MHz - Radio Jurmala, Jurmala, Latvia (near Riga). Pushed weakly up Thu evening but gave clean signal in the morning. - 06.20-
100.5 MHz - M-1 Plius, Bubiai-tx (Siualiai). This confirms that Radio Ventspils is not on the air on this frequency. Ventspils is so close to us. - 05.40-
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Utö-report Thu 2.7.2009: Latvia, Lithuania tropo
Thursday gave us completly new FM-band! We had strong tropo to Latvia and also Lithuania.
One new station was heard and also some new relays from Baltia. Kaliningrad Evropa Plus on 104.5 came up with troposcatter 4-10 times per hour during the day.
One strange Es-station was heard shortly on 88.1 MHz alone with odd music, no talk. Turkey?? Also Italy for one minute (Radio Fantastica 89.5 and Radio DeeJay 89.3) in the late afternoon.
88.4 MHz - Kurzemes R, Liepaja-tx, Latvia. - 17.10-
92.3 MHz - City Radio, Liepaja, Latvia. New station in Liepaja! - 14.19-
94.9 MHz - La Luna, Klaipeda, Lithuania. - 14.50-
95.2MHz - Latviesu Radio, Liepaja, Latvia. New relay in Liepaja. Gives local frq-announcements! New relay. 14.45-
96.1 MHz - EHR, Liepaja-local. - 16.00-
96.2 MHz - Hiti Rossii, Riga, Latvia. - 16.13-
96.8 MHz - Latviesu Radio, Riga, Latvia. 96.8-ID. 14.50-
98.3 MHz - M-1 Plius, Vilnius. Klaipeda-tx, Lithuania
99.8 MHz - Kelyje. Klaipeda-tx, Lithuania. - 16.00-
100.3 MHz - SR P4 R Skaraborg, Skövde, Sweden. Pushed over local Åland. - 14.15-
100.5 MHz - Hiti Rossii, unid tx. Main transmitter is on 96.2 MHz in Riga (ex-Naba). - 15.42-
100.8 MHz - European Hit R, Talsi, local ID. - 16.00-
102.2 MHz - Ziniu Radijas, Vilnius. Klaipeda-tx, Lithuania. - 15.07-
103.7 MHz - Lietus, Vilnius. Klaipeda-tx, Litnuania. - 16.16-
104.5 MHz - Evropa Plus, Kaliningrad. Local programme! Troposcatter. - 09.26-
106.5 MHz - M-1, Vilnius. Klaipeda-tx, Lithuania. - 15.15-
107.4 MHz - European Hit R, Kuldiga local ID. - 09.00-
One new station was heard and also some new relays from Baltia. Kaliningrad Evropa Plus on 104.5 came up with troposcatter 4-10 times per hour during the day.
One strange Es-station was heard shortly on 88.1 MHz alone with odd music, no talk. Turkey?? Also Italy for one minute (Radio Fantastica 89.5 and Radio DeeJay 89.3) in the late afternoon.
88.4 MHz - Kurzemes R, Liepaja-tx, Latvia. - 17.10-
92.3 MHz - City Radio, Liepaja, Latvia. New station in Liepaja! - 14.19-
94.9 MHz - La Luna, Klaipeda, Lithuania. - 14.50-

95.2MHz - Latviesu Radio, Liepaja, Latvia. New relay in Liepaja. Gives local frq-announcements! New relay. 14.45-
96.1 MHz - EHR, Liepaja-local. - 16.00-
96.2 MHz - Hiti Rossii, Riga, Latvia. - 16.13-
96.8 MHz - Latviesu Radio, Riga, Latvia. 96.8-ID. 14.50-
98.3 MHz - M-1 Plius, Vilnius. Klaipeda-tx, Lithuania
99.8 MHz - Kelyje. Klaipeda-tx, Lithuania. - 16.00-
100.3 MHz - SR P4 R Skaraborg, Skövde, Sweden. Pushed over local Åland. - 14.15-
100.5 MHz - Hiti Rossii, unid tx. Main transmitter is on 96.2 MHz in Riga (ex-Naba). - 15.42-
100.8 MHz - European Hit R, Talsi, local ID. - 16.00-
102.2 MHz - Ziniu Radijas, Vilnius. Klaipeda-tx, Lithuania. - 15.07-
103.7 MHz - Lietus, Vilnius. Klaipeda-tx, Litnuania. - 16.16-
104.5 MHz - Evropa Plus, Kaliningrad. Local programme! Troposcatter. - 09.26-
106.5 MHz - M-1, Vilnius. Klaipeda-tx, Lithuania. - 15.15-
107.4 MHz - European Hit R, Kuldiga local ID. - 09.00-

Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Utö-report Wed 1.7.2009: Italy, Bulgaria, Greece !
Interesting openings today:
- Strong Estonia-tropo in the morning/midday (Ring FM etc.)
- First wide Italy from Rome to Reggio Emilia 13.20 > 14.25utc
-Then Bulgaria from 15.15 > 15.32uc
- and for the end Greece - 15.20 > 15.45 and 16.30utc
We tried to play cards but stations peaked up all the time nicely and interrupted that fun 3 times!! (Underlined stations first time in Finland)
87.5 MHz - Radio Subabsio (PG), Italy identified on 12 FREQUENCIES: 87.5/ 89.1/ 91.0/ 94.1/ 94.5/ 97.0/ 96.6/ 97.7/ 98.0/ 101.7/ 103.7/106.2 during one hour!!
87.8 MHz - Hristo Botev, Bulgaria. Local RDS with tel. 0700-18508 and city "Dupnitsa". - 15.10-
88.3 MHz - Energy, Veria, Greece. Great jingle! - 15.25-
88.4 MHz - Radio Elassona, Elassona Greece. Nice id. - 16.44-
89.1 MHz - Radio FM Plus, Plovdiv-tx. - 15.22-
89.5 MHz - Radio Antola, Popovo, Bulgaria. Tentatively, tracked from 15.12-
89.5 MHz - R Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria. - 15.30-
89.5 MHz - NRG Power Radio, Kozani, Greece. Tentatively. Spots to Kozani.- 16.30-
89.6 MHz - Onda Libera, Perugia (PG), Italy - 13.20-
89.6 MHz - Radio Eklissia tis Ellados, UNID-relay, Greece. - 16.30-
90.0 MHz - Radio Icaro, Rimini, Italy. - 14.04-
90.3 MHz - Radio Focus, Sofia, Bulgaria. - 15.17-
90.6 MHz - NRJ Plovdid-local tentatively, Bulgaria.- 15.17-
90.8 MHz - Radio Zoo, Thessaloniki. - 15.15-
90.8 MHz - Dimotiko Radiofono Poligiros, Poligiros, Greece. Nice id. - 15.28-
91.4 MHz - Ola FM, Thessaloniki, Greece. - 15.36-
91.6 MHz - Radio Rock, Roma, Italy. - 13.41-
93.3 MHz - Radio Vaticana, Citta de Vaticana. -13.24-
93.4 MHz - Radio Melody, Sofia. Ex-Hit 7. 15.29-
93.4 MHz - Radio Margherita, Italy. - 13.40-
93.7 MHz - Radio Record, Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna (RN). Also 97.9 MHz. - 13.30-
94.1 MHz - Radio Dolcissima, San Canzian d'Isonzo (GO).Rn-tx.
95.2 MHz - Radio Italia Anni 60 (PU), Italy. Local spots to Pesaro + ad-agency id + ID.
98.1 MHz - Radio Valmiera, Latvia. - 05.40-
99.2 MHz - Radio Linea, Italy.- 13.57-
101.1 MHz - Radio Gamma, Savignano, Italy. Also 99.0. - 13.44-
104.8 MHz - Voce della Speranza, Roma tentatively. - 13.46-
- Strong Estonia-tropo in the morning/midday (Ring FM etc.)
- First wide Italy from Rome to Reggio Emilia 13.20 > 14.25utc
-Then Bulgaria from 15.15 > 15.32uc
- and for the end Greece - 15.20 > 15.45 and 16.30utc
We tried to play cards but stations peaked up all the time nicely and interrupted that fun 3 times!! (Underlined stations first time in Finland)
87.5 MHz - Radio Subabsio (PG), Italy identified on 12 FREQUENCIES: 87.5/ 89.1/ 91.0/ 94.1/ 94.5/ 97.0/ 96.6/ 97.7/ 98.0/ 101.7/ 103.7/106.2 during one hour!!
87.8 MHz - Hristo Botev, Bulgaria. Local RDS with tel. 0700-18508 and city "Dupnitsa". - 15.10-

88.3 MHz - Energy, Veria, Greece. Great jingle! - 15.25-
88.4 MHz - Radio Elassona, Elassona Greece. Nice id. - 16.44-
89.1 MHz - Radio FM Plus, Plovdiv-tx. - 15.22-
89.5 MHz - Radio Antola, Popovo, Bulgaria. Tentatively, tracked from 15.12-
89.5 MHz - R Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria. - 15.30-
89.5 MHz - NRG Power Radio, Kozani, Greece. Tentatively. Spots to Kozani.- 16.30-
89.6 MHz - Onda Libera, Perugia (PG), Italy - 13.20-
89.6 MHz - Radio Eklissia tis Ellados, UNID-relay, Greece. - 16.30-
90.0 MHz - Radio Icaro, Rimini, Italy. - 14.04-
90.3 MHz - Radio Focus, Sofia, Bulgaria. - 15.17-
90.6 MHz - NRJ Plovdid-local tentatively, Bulgaria.- 15.17-
90.8 MHz - Radio Zoo, Thessaloniki. - 15.15-
90.8 MHz - Dimotiko Radiofono Poligiros, Poligiros, Greece. Nice id. - 15.28-
91.4 MHz - Ola FM, Thessaloniki, Greece. - 15.36-
91.6 MHz - Radio Rock, Roma, Italy. - 13.41-
93.3 MHz - Radio Vaticana, Citta de Vaticana. -13.24-
93.4 MHz - Radio Melody, Sofia. Ex-Hit 7. 15.29-
93.4 MHz - Radio Margherita, Italy. - 13.40-
93.7 MHz - Radio Record, Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna (RN). Also 97.9 MHz. - 13.30-

94.1 MHz - Radio Dolcissima, San Canzian d'Isonzo (GO).Rn-tx.
95.2 MHz - Radio Italia Anni 60 (PU), Italy. Local spots to Pesaro + ad-agency id + ID.
98.1 MHz - Radio Valmiera, Latvia. - 05.40-
99.2 MHz - Radio Linea, Italy.- 13.57-
101.1 MHz - Radio Gamma, Savignano, Italy. Also 99.0. - 13.44-
104.8 MHz - Voce della Speranza, Roma tentatively. - 13.46-
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Utö-report Tue 30.6.2009: Greece 2-3 minutes

also one from Spain just before Greece.
87.7 MHz - Cadena Dial, Santander-tx, Spain - 18.27-
88.9 MHz - Freedom, Athens. Was strong for 2 minutes with RDS. Unfortunately no talk. - 18.30-
89.5 MHz - Radio Ekklisia tis Ellados, Athens. - 18.32-
90.4 MHz - Kanali Ena, Piraeus (Athens) with nice ID "Eneninta koma tessera, Piraeus" - 18.30-
Tropo is qiving all the time stations from all around Baltic Sea. Almost all Stockholm community radios are received, only stations MRS 90.5, Sigtuna 88.2 and Viking 101.4 were out today.
From Gävle Radio City 102.7 had RDS-level and on 89.9 MHz Radio Sandviken was clear.
Also Latvian private radios from Riga and some others were identified easily.
Tropo-scattering is giving Polish stations up and down - also Kaliningrad 96.3. (Click the photo below)

Utö-report Mon 29.6.2009 PART 2: Whole Europe!
Two guys left the camp (MB,OSY) and one (JUS) joined us on Monday after midday.
We were lucky to have another Es-opening on Monday evening. Condition was not good but interesting giving short skips to all over Europe from Serbia to Spain. (Underlined stations are received first time in Finland. Times UTC):
87.5 - R Piter Pan, Conversano (LE, Italy). - 15.30-
87.8 - Radio Dalmacija, Croatia tentatively acc. to spots. - 16.57-
87.9 - Radio S, Serbia (Jastrebac-tx) with RDS and spots. - 16.23-
88.1 - Ride FM, Budapest, Hungary. Ex-Pont FM. - 16.45-
88.4 - Radio Company, Benevento-tx up alone (BN, Italy). - 17.46-
88.7 - Puls Radio, Grocka, Serbia. -16.40-
88.9 - R Index, Beograd, Serbia. Only RDS flash. - 16.40-
88.9 - Dash Extra Radio, Bijeljina, Bosnia&H. - 16.50-
89.2 - RFM, Paris. Marseilles (13)-tx. - 17.08-
89.3 - R Soleil FM, Montélimar (26), France. - 17.18-
89.4 - COPE Girona, Rocacorba-tx, Spain. - 17.16-
89.5 - Mix la radio étudiante, Orange (84), France. Location a bit north from Marseille. Only RDS-flash "Mix". - 17.22-
89.6 - UNID Hungary giving tel. Possibly Radio 35. - 16.53-
90.2 - Radio Puglia, Bari (BA), Italy. - 16.28-
90.2 - Radio Pozarevac, Serbia "RADIO PO"-rds. - 16.37-
90.2 - France Bleu Gard Lozère, Nimes. -17.00-
90.4 - Onda Cero Cataluna, Rocacorba-tx Spain. Regional px. - 17.12-
90.4 - R Farfalla, Mottola (TA). - 16.30-
90.6 - Szent Istvan Radio, Eger, Hungary. - 16.34-
90.8 - R Ketchup, Pescara (PE), Italy. - 15.35-
91.7 - Radio Kosice, Slovakia. Quite short skip for this day. -16.33-
92.2 - R Frequence Nimes, France. RDS and sport-news.
Nice surprise! - 17.02-
94.7 - Max Radio, Vrsac (Vojvodina). - 16.35-

We were lucky to have another Es-opening on Monday evening. Condition was not good but interesting giving short skips to all over Europe from Serbia to Spain. (Underlined stations are received first time in Finland. Times UTC):
87.5 - R Piter Pan, Conversano (LE, Italy). - 15.30-
87.8 - Radio Dalmacija, Croatia tentatively acc. to spots. - 16.57-
87.9 - Radio S, Serbia (Jastrebac-tx) with RDS and spots. - 16.23-
88.1 - Ride FM, Budapest, Hungary. Ex-Pont FM. - 16.45-
88.4 - Radio Company, Benevento-tx up alone (BN, Italy). - 17.46-
88.7 - Puls Radio, Grocka, Serbia. -16.40-
88.9 - R Index, Beograd, Serbia. Only RDS flash. - 16.40-
88.9 - Dash Extra Radio, Bijeljina, Bosnia&H. - 16.50-
89.2 - RFM, Paris. Marseilles (13)-tx. - 17.08-
89.3 - R Soleil FM, Montélimar (26), France. - 17.18-
89.4 - COPE Girona, Rocacorba-tx, Spain. - 17.16-
89.5 - Mix la radio étudiante, Orange (84), France. Location a bit north from Marseille. Only RDS-flash "Mix". - 17.22-
89.6 - UNID Hungary giving tel. Possibly Radio 35. - 16.53-
90.2 - Radio Puglia, Bari (BA), Italy. - 16.28-
90.2 - Radio Pozarevac, Serbia "RADIO PO"-rds. - 16.37-
90.2 - France Bleu Gard Lozère, Nimes. -17.00-
90.4 - Onda Cero Cataluna, Rocacorba-tx Spain. Regional px. - 17.12-
90.4 - R Farfalla, Mottola (TA). - 16.30-
90.6 - Szent Istvan Radio, Eger, Hungary. - 16.34-

91.7 - Radio Kosice, Slovakia. Quite short skip for this day. -16.33-
92.2 - R Frequence Nimes, France. RDS and sport-news.

94.7 - Max Radio, Vrsac (Vojvodina). - 16.35-
Monday, 29 June 2009
Utö-report Mon 29.6.2009: France-opening!!!
First better Es-condition today for 30 minutes!! FM-band was open to Bretagne, NW France - from Benelux to France northern coast. Fairly good signals and some time even over 100 MHz.
A lot of networks were up. Here some better stations we identified (underlined stations are received first time in Finland):
87.7 MHz - R Nostalgie Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand (63). Local ID. - 17.40-
87.8 MHz - RCB, Radio Cité Bretagne, Dinan (22). - 08.26-
88.4 MHz - Rire & Chanson, Nantes-transmitter (44). - 07.56-
88.8 MHz - Alouette FM, Les Herbiers (85). Thouars-tx (79) - 08.00-
88.8 MHz - Fidélité, Laval (53). Religious station. RDS id. - 08.06-
89.2 MHz - Cocktail FM, Deauville (14) acc. to spots. - 08.13-
89.5 MHz - RF Bleu, Haute Normandie, France - 08.03-
90.0 MHz - 100%NL, Holland - 07.58-
90.1 MHz - VFM, Vire (14). Nice jingle.- 08.20-
90.1 MHz - Virgin Radio. Ex-Europe 2-network. - 08.13-
90.6 MHz - Joe FM. ex-4FM, Holland. /95.5. 08.02-
90.8 MHz - Radio Caroline, Rennes (35). Jingle. - 08.23-
90.9 MHz - UNID in Portuguese. Possibly R Comercial, Portugal, 44 kW. Most obvious solution is Radio Antenne Portugaise, Touers (37), France! Thanks Ole Forr!! - 08.10-
91.6 MHz - Alouette FM tentatively (acc. spots). - 08.18-
91.9 MHz - Zenith FM,Vitre (35). Child choir-jingle. - 08.17-
92.2 MHz - Coctail FM, Lisieux (14). Possibly split-commercials to Lisieux!! - 08.14-
92.3 MHz - RTBF Vivacite, Belgium. - 07.59-
92.8 MHz - Musicbox, Guerville (78) near Paris. Only RDS. - 08.04-
93.9 MHz - Vivre FM, Paris (75). - 08.05-
94.5 MHz - Océane FM, Questembert (44). - 08.22-
95.3 MHz - Radio Soleil 35, Rennes (35) tentatively - 08.01-
96.4 MHz - BFM, Paris (75). Paris-transmitter - 08.03-
97.7 MHz - TSF Jazz. Laval-transmitter (53). - 08.14-
A lot of networks were up. Here some better stations we identified (underlined stations are received first time in Finland):
87.7 MHz - R Nostalgie Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand (63). Local ID. - 17.40-
87.8 MHz - RCB, Radio Cité Bretagne, Dinan (22). - 08.26-
88.4 MHz - Rire & Chanson, Nantes-transmitter (44). - 07.56-
88.8 MHz - Alouette FM, Les Herbiers (85). Thouars-tx (79) - 08.00-
88.8 MHz - Fidélité, Laval (53). Religious station. RDS id. - 08.06-

89.5 MHz - RF Bleu, Haute Normandie, France - 08.03-
90.0 MHz - 100%NL, Holland - 07.58-
90.1 MHz - VFM, Vire (14). Nice jingle.- 08.20-
90.1 MHz - Virgin Radio. Ex-Europe 2-network. - 08.13-
90.6 MHz - Joe FM. ex-4FM, Holland. /95.5. 08.02-
90.8 MHz - Radio Caroline, Rennes (35). Jingle. - 08.23-
90.9 MHz - UNID in Portuguese. Possibly R Comercial, Portugal, 44 kW. Most obvious solution is Radio Antenne Portugaise, Touers (37), France! Thanks Ole Forr!! - 08.10-
91.6 MHz - Alouette FM tentatively (acc. spots). - 08.18-
91.9 MHz - Zenith FM,Vitre (35). Child choir-jingle. - 08.17-
92.2 MHz - Coctail FM, Lisieux (14). Possibly split-commercials to Lisieux!! - 08.14-
92.3 MHz - RTBF Vivacite, Belgium. - 07.59-

92.8 MHz - Musicbox, Guerville (78) near Paris. Only RDS. - 08.04-
93.9 MHz - Vivre FM, Paris (75). - 08.05-
94.5 MHz - Océane FM, Questembert (44). - 08.22-
95.3 MHz - Radio Soleil 35, Rennes (35) tentatively - 08.01-
96.4 MHz - BFM, Paris (75). Paris-transmitter - 08.03-
97.7 MHz - TSF Jazz. Laval-transmitter (53). - 08.14-
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Utö-report Sun 28.6.2009
Fairly good tropo to Stockholm giving community radios around and after midday: V97 Vallentuna, Sydväst 88.9, Tyresö 91.4, Taby 98.3 etc.
This condition is completly different to last summer!! We barely heard Swedish stations. No Denmark. Kaliningrad Russkoje Radio 96.3 noticed during the day a few times with hard monitoring!
All the time Gdansk-stations are fading up and down + basic stations from Latvia, like Star FM 105.0 Pure-tx, Radio Skonto Liepaja-local 97.5, EHR Talsi-local 100.8 MHz, Capital 101.0 etc. Lithuania gave only national radio frequencies 102.8 / 105.3 (Klaipeda) .
Late Sunday evening we had enormous tropo to North, which was a disappoinment because the band is blocked of Finnish stations from 250 km radius. No chance to DX stations from South direction...
This condition is completly different to last summer!! We barely heard Swedish stations. No Denmark. Kaliningrad Russkoje Radio 96.3 noticed during the day a few times with hard monitoring!

Late Sunday evening we had enormous tropo to North, which was a disappoinment because the band is blocked of Finnish stations from 250 km radius. No chance to DX stations from South direction...
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Utö-report Sat 27.6.2009
Weak conditions in Utö during Saturday. However, we can hear all the time interesting peaks mainly from Sweden, Estonia, Poland and Finland mainly within 300 km range, not so much from more Southern Baltia (although Kurzemers 106.4 is audible almost all the time and Lithuania 105.3 etc.).
Sometimes stations come up with surprisingly strong peaks for even several minutes like Rix Norrköping 92.8 MHz (Ringarum, 130 W).
We had very short Es-skip at 17.34utc lasting about 2 minutes. A few Turkish stations were audible in the lower band and also Radio K4 from Kosovo with RDS for one minute!!
Sometimes stations come up with surprisingly strong peaks for even several minutes like Rix Norrköping 92.8 MHz (Ringarum, 130 W).

We had very short Es-skip at 17.34utc lasting about 2 minutes. A few Turkish stations were audible in the lower band and also Radio K4 from Kosovo with RDS for one minute!!
Antennas up! Saturday morning 27.6.2009

We have nice tropo-scattering (Poland, Denmark etc.) and a lot of meteors hitting all the time during the afternoon. Also BBC R2 was up for a short moment on 97.9 MHz.
Europa Plus Kaliningrad 104.5 MHz is already identified with tropo-scattering. Radio Wix, Valdemarsvik gave nice ID on 97.9 MHz etc.
Very lively band although we have no conditions! (Click photos)

Friday, 26 June 2009
Visual Log from Wednesday 24.6
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Utö-report Thu 25.6.2009
Nothing special reported from Utö on Thursday.
Radio Volvo Ocean Race replied today. Martin Loogna sent e-mail. He is also behind Skärgårdsradio 90.2 and is wellknown radio-personality in Sweden. Martin reported that their transmitter-power on 91.9 MHz is 50 Watts! Signal is good in Utö with some tropo.
Station closes on Saturday when race-ships leave Stockholm heading St.Petersburg, Russia. That is the end of this race.
On late Friday evening three listeners will join the camp!
Radio Volvo Ocean Race replied today. Martin Loogna sent e-mail. He is also behind Skärgårdsradio 90.2 and is wellknown radio-personality in Sweden. Martin reported that their transmitter-power on 91.9 MHz is 50 Watts! Signal is good in Utö with some tropo.
Station closes on Saturday when race-ships leave Stockholm heading St.Petersburg, Russia. That is the end of this race.
On late Friday evening three listeners will join the camp!
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Utö-report Wed 24.6.2009
Better day in Utö today:
Temporary station from Stockholm was heard today on 91.9 MHz, Radio Volvo Ocean Race (www). This station closes on Saturday 25.6.2009 (on air from 14.6.) so it was quite close to miss this one. Power unknown.
Signal was quite good beating YLE Espoo on this same frequency! Nice!
Community Radios from Stockholm were almost all audible which was surprise because tropo-forecast gives zero-propagation!! Skärgårdsradion on 90.2 MHz was up with 100% full RDS!
Spain was up for some time around 15utc, but only on a few frequencies, mostly RNE. Nice surprise anyway!! The best catch on this opening was Onda Cero, Santander on 91.9 MHz with local programme. Distance 2485 km.
Later in the evening some Italy and France was up. It is possible that the stations were from Sardinia and Corsica but this is not checked and confirmed yet. Nice to have some Es.
Temporary station from Stockholm was heard today on 91.9 MHz, Radio Volvo Ocean Race (www). This station closes on Saturday 25.6.2009 (on air from 14.6.) so it was quite close to miss this one. Power unknown.
Signal was quite good beating YLE Espoo on this same frequency! Nice!

Spain was up for some time around 15utc, but only on a few frequencies, mostly RNE. Nice surprise anyway!! The best catch on this opening was Onda Cero, Santander on 91.9 MHz with local programme. Distance 2485 km.
Later in the evening some Italy and France was up. It is possible that the stations were from Sardinia and Corsica but this is not checked and confirmed yet. Nice to have some Es.
Utö-report Tue 23.6.2009
On Tuesday morning TRT from Turkey on three frequencies for some time.
The band is empty from tropo and Es...
No real DXing on Tuesday!! Internet-connection is also working sporadic....
The band is empty from tropo and Es...
No real DXing on Tuesday!! Internet-connection is also working sporadic....
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Utö-report Mon 22.6.2009
Hello from Utö!
We arrived here on the island Monday afternoon in a magnificent weather. The following hours we spent by setting up two six metre masts in in the front of our nice cottage. Both were equipped with two 8 element Triax FM8 antennas: the upper one in vertical and the lower one in horizontal orientation.

Stations we heard during our first bandscan were typical for a low-level Baltic Sea tropo, from Sweden (90.2 Skärgårdsradion with a nice signal), Poland (95.7 & 98.4), Lithuania (Russkoye R and tent. Ziniu R) and others.
The band feels generally "empty" in comparison to what it is today in Southern Finland. On an Es opening this would certainly be interesting.
A slight source of interference was loacated to be the WLAN base station in the cottage. We will see if something can be done to it on Tuesday. Sending this report was delayed until Tuesday morning because of connectivity problems with the very base station.
OSY - Otso Ylönen
MB - Marko Brask
We arrived here on the island Monday afternoon in a magnificent weather. The following hours we spent by setting up two six metre masts in in the front of our nice cottage. Both were equipped with two 8 element Triax FM8 antennas: the upper one in vertical and the lower one in horizontal orientation.

Stations we heard during our first bandscan were typical for a low-level Baltic Sea tropo, from Sweden (90.2 Skärgårdsradion with a nice signal), Poland (95.7 & 98.4), Lithuania (Russkoye R and tent. Ziniu R) and others.
The band feels generally "empty" in comparison to what it is today in Southern Finland. On an Es opening this would certainly be interesting.
A slight source of interference was loacated to be the WLAN base station in the cottage. We will see if something can be done to it on Tuesday. Sending this report was delayed until Tuesday morning because of connectivity problems with the very base station.
OSY - Otso Ylönen
MB - Marko Brask
Monday, 22 June 2009
Mon 22.6.2009
On Monday morning after 07utc some weak Arabic, Turkish and Ukrainan stations noted in South Finland, but Utö was not ready yet.
Nothing special expected in the coming days in tropospheric scene in S-Finland according to forecasts! However, something might be audible in Utö without exceptional conditions.
Nothing special expected in the coming days in tropospheric scene in S-Finland according to forecasts! However, something might be audible in Utö without exceptional conditions.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Utö FM-DX-starts
This Monday 22.6 Utö FM-DX-2009 starts with two listeners.
Marko Brask (MB) and Otso Ylönen (OSY) are tuning from 22.6 -29.6.2009.
You can read the results with a few lines daily from this blog.
Next group will arrive 26.6. (till 5.7.2009).
We listen in these two red cottages on the photo below (click):
Marko Brask (MB) and Otso Ylönen (OSY) are tuning from 22.6 -29.6.2009.
You can read the results with a few lines daily from this blog.
Next group will arrive 26.6. (till 5.7.2009).
We listen in these two red cottages on the photo below (click):

Monday, 16 March 2009
Next Utö FM-peditions will be 22.6. - 5.7.2009

First time there will be four listeners at the same time - and for two days even six! This is not a problem as we will have 6 antennas anyway (3 x V + 3 x H) and there is enough space in the houses. All listeners have new
Sony XDR-F1HD-receivers so there will be also less interferencies (no IF-carrier from Sony).
The first group is Marko Brask (MB, Espoo) and Otso Ylönen (OSY, Salo) from 20 - 28.6.2009.
The participants of the 2nd group are Harri Kujala (HKU, Naantali), Jukka Soini (JJS, Kurikka), Jussi Suokas (JUS, Joensuu) and as new one: Jukka Kotovirta (JTK, Helsinki). All very experienced FM-DXers. They will be in Utö between 26.6 - 5.7.2009.
Totally two weeks monitoring time. Somebody will hear something...
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