*Two Never-Heard-Before-stations were identified from Latvia!! Nice surprise!
*We identified all local programming stations from Liepaja: 92.3/ 95.2/ 96.1/ 97.5/ 105.1/ 107.6!!
At t he same time weak Italian stations up and down for 10-15 minutes around 06.00utc. Corsica-tx was also noticed!
88.4 MHz - Radio Company, Benevento (BN), Italy. Tent. no ID but spots to BN. -05.57-
88.7 MHz - Jazz Radio, Lyon (69), France. Corsica-transmitter (20)! Rare! - 0605-
91.1 MHz - Max Radio, Ellera (PG), Italy. - 0605-

96.6 MHz - Radio l'Olgiata, Roma (RM). RDS. Just before this advert to Palermo. - 06.03-
96.9 MHz - Radio Luce, San Sisto (PG), Italy. - 0605-
97.3 MHz - Radio QBS, Jaunmarupe (Riga). This station needs really good conds to peak in Utö!! I noticed in Riga in March in 2009 that this station is weak in Riga-centrum. It is located 5-10 km SW of centrum in Jaunmarupe. Tx-power unknown. - 05.15-
99.0 MHz - Radio Jurmala, Jurmala, Latvia (near Riga). Pushed weakly up Thu evening but gave clean signal in the morning. - 06.20-
100.5 MHz - M-1 Plius, Bubiai-tx (Siualiai). This confirms that Radio Ventspils is not on the air on this frequency. Ventspils is so close to us. - 05.40-
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