A lot of networks were up. Here some better stations we identified (underlined stations are received first time in Finland):
87.7 MHz - R Nostalgie Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand (63). Local ID. - 17.40-
87.8 MHz - RCB, Radio Cité Bretagne, Dinan (22). - 08.26-
88.4 MHz - Rire & Chanson, Nantes-transmitter (44). - 07.56-
88.8 MHz - Alouette FM, Les Herbiers (85). Thouars-tx (79) - 08.00-
88.8 MHz - Fidélité, Laval (53). Religious station. RDS id. - 08.06-

89.5 MHz - RF Bleu, Haute Normandie, France - 08.03-
90.0 MHz - 100%NL, Holland - 07.58-
90.1 MHz - VFM, Vire (14). Nice jingle.- 08.20-
90.1 MHz - Virgin Radio. Ex-Europe 2-network. - 08.13-
90.6 MHz - Joe FM. ex-4FM, Holland. /95.5. 08.02-
90.8 MHz - Radio Caroline, Rennes (35). Jingle. - 08.23-
90.9 MHz - UNID in Portuguese. Possibly R Comercial, Portugal, 44 kW. Most obvious solution is Radio Antenne Portugaise, Touers (37), France! Thanks Ole Forr!! - 08.10-
91.6 MHz - Alouette FM tentatively (acc. spots). - 08.18-
91.9 MHz - Zenith FM,Vitre (35). Child choir-jingle. - 08.17-
92.2 MHz - Coctail FM, Lisieux (14). Possibly split-commercials to Lisieux!! - 08.14-
92.3 MHz - RTBF Vivacite, Belgium. - 07.59-

92.8 MHz - Musicbox, Guerville (78) near Paris. Only RDS. - 08.04-
93.9 MHz - Vivre FM, Paris (75). - 08.05-
94.5 MHz - Océane FM, Questembert (44). - 08.22-
95.3 MHz - Radio Soleil 35, Rennes (35) tentatively - 08.01-
96.4 MHz - BFM, Paris (75). Paris-transmitter - 08.03-
97.7 MHz - TSF Jazz. Laval-transmitter (53). - 08.14-
Way to go, guys, keep the camp up!
90.9 I guess this could be Radio Antenne Portugaise, Touers (37) heard several times at my location in Norway. Good luck with the conditions and kick some propagations to Norway also:-)
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