We are wondering what can be heard here in Utö during really strong tropo!!!

According to the Hepburn's preview-map the conditions should have been only fair on Sunday (CLICK THE MAP) but there were stations coming from all around Baltic Sea with strong signals!!
Conditions were going on the whole Sunday starting from SE Sweden (new stn Radio Wix was highlight, first catch) in the morning.
Danmarks Radio Bornholm was strong for long time on 99.3 MHz etc. In the morning conds moved soon to Gdansk, 625 km distance (best were Hit FM, 94.6 MHz, 1.5 kW H and Radio Kaszëbë, 92.3 MHz, 2 kW H). Dozens of Polish frequencies were audible, even with RDS! Gdansk was up for hours. Kaliningrad was on 96.3 MHz but only with network-px Russkoje Radio.
On Sunday afternoon tropo moved more to Latvia and Estonia. Highlights were new Top Radio, Riga on 91.9 MHz (First time in Finland) and local Radio Paldiski, Estonia.
At late night tropo moved to Lithuania. Klaipeda gave us almost all stations from the city, forexample LaLuna and Kelyje. Kaliningrad came up again at night on 96.3 MHz and 104.5 MHz (Evropa Plus network).

LOGGINGS SUNDAY 8.6.2008 (utc)
Red= First time in Finland
87.7 MHz - Radio Paldiski, Paldiski, Estonia. 2nd time in Finland! 16.30-
91.900 MHz - Top Radio, Riga. Brand new station in Riga!!! 12.50-
92.3 MHz - Radio Kaszëbë, Gdansk tentatively, spots/talk but no id in 25 min!! Distance between Utö and Gdansk is 625 km! 09.06-
94.6 MHz - Hit FM, Gdansk. 08.20-
94.9 MHz - LaLuna, Klaipeda, Lithuania. 23.00-
96.3 MHz - Russkoje Radio KALININGRAD tentatively for hours, not local unfortunately. 09.50-
99.5 MHz - Fit FM, Riga. New station on this old frequency! 10.00-
99.8 MHz - Radio Kelyje, Klaipeda. Almost all Klaipeda-stations were audible. 23.30-
102.9 MHz - RMF Maxxx, Lebork-tx. Local Pomorze!!. This new RMF-network seem to have locals!!! 08.53-
103.0 MHz - Radio Zlote Przeb, Gdansk. 08.50-
104.1 MHz - Laisvoije Banga, Klaipeda. Is listed as European Hit R. 23.58-
104.5 MHz - Evropa Plus KALINNGRAD. Not local unfortunately. 22.28-
105.6 MHz - Radio Eska Rock, Gdynia-tx. 08.40-
106.7 MHz - Radio Eska Nord, Gdynia-tx. 08.45-
The early morning brief Sporadic E:
88.4 MHz - Radio Lefkada, Lefkada, Greece (tentative, spots). 05.46-
88.9 MHz - ERT-NET, Greece (RDS-id) 05.43-
89.1 MHz - Radio Svilajnac, Svilajnac, Serbia. 05.45-
Morning tropo
97.9 MHz - Valdemarsvik närradio, Valdemarsvik. New station! FIRST TIME IN FINLAND !! 04.40-
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