Saturday, 17 June 2017

Summer 2017: How to survive 10 days through everyday FM-conditions in far distant island?

It is possible - and it is done! Utö FM-DX-camp 2017 is over with exceptionally good results. 7 FM-DXers had FM-openings for almost every day during 10 days camp - no time for card-playing this year!  Ion-layer gave incredible signal-skips to Utö from almost all over Europe, North Africa and Middle East.
Friday 15th June was one of the best FM-opening during decades in South Finland. The best part of it was RDS-level signals from Middle East like Saudi Arabia, Jordania, State of Palestine (PSE) and Armenia from about 4500 km distance (3 skips?).
During the day there were moments that FM-band was so full of signals that it was not possible to id anything - the band was like "white noise".

What iss happening in ionosphere? We have had multi-hops this season on many days skipping to Cyprus, Middle East, North Africa and even China.

 Utö-gäng celebrating pedtion 2017 results: JJK, JTK, JUS, JY, JJS  (glasses), OSY (front) and MB.

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