The participants are HKU (Harri Kujala, Naantali), JUS (Jussi Suokas, Joensuu), JJS (Jukka Soini, Kurikka), JTK (Jukka Kotovirta, Helsinki), MB (Marko Brask, Espoo), OSY (Otso Ylönen, Salo) and JJK (Jari Korhonen, Kitee).
All listeners use 2 x Sony XDR-F1HD. We will have 4 antennas (2 x 8-el. hor and 2 x 8-el vert.), two for each house.
Let's hope to have great openings with Es. 14 receivers scanning the skip-crowded band should give huge logs! Not so much expected with tropo.
Perhaps we build up forum (FB?,Mese?) for realtime-comments and Bambuser-camera for some periodical streams of the living conditions there. Let's see.